Create a formal M&E system for the overall response as soon as the situation stabilizes

As the emergency situation stabilizes, the M&E system should become more formal and structured. We refer to a formal M&E system as a system complete with an overarching emergency response results framework and ProFrame, M&E plan, and an M&E binder that includes all tools and templates required for data collection, analysis and use throughout the response. 20 If you developed the results framework and an initial draft of the overall emergency response program during the early stages of the response, you may need to revise and adjust them at this stage.
 Develop a results framework and ProFrame for the overall emergency response strategy from the earliest stages of the response, and use them to inform all donor submissions to ensure consistency in indicators and monitoring requirements.
The strategic objectives should reflect a high level of change (to be achieved by the end of the overall response program—often one to two years) to remain relevant throughout the initial response and early recovery phase. IRs often reflect specific intervention strategies and will be more time-bound. It is often the case that one or more SOs or IRs may need to be added over time, and others may become irrelevant (i.e., completed). Having a single overarching response strategy will allow the project team to refer to the same results framework and M&E system throughout the response and avoid the confusion associated with having separate M&E systems for different projects and donors.
In addition, tips for developing a strong emergency response results framework include:  Consult The Sphere Handbook21 to identify relevant wording for the SOs and IRs and refer to Sphere indicators and guidance sheets when developing the specific indicators for your M&E system. The inclusion of relevant Sphere standards and indicators will help to define key elements of quality in the results framework;

Create one SO per intervention area or sector, focusing on medium-term change that reflects a return to the preemergency situation or a situation that meets Sphere standards for that sector. Focus the IRs on proposed intervention strategies in each sector or subsectors to create a results framework with clear logic. Because intervention strategies are often different in the emergency relief and early recovery phases, it may be appropriate to have different IRs for different phases of the response;  Reflect accountability in the results framework with a crosscutting IR for accountability, an IR dedicated to accountability or the integration of accountability-related indicators at the output- and IR-levels; and  Include all donor-required indicators and any others that are necessary for determining the quality and impact of the response. Given the importance of the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) emergency response funding, consider using relevant OFDA-mandated indicators in your emergency response ProFrame if OFDA funding is being sought or may become available in the future. Refer to the latest OFDA guidance to make sure that any updated indicators are used. Note that the OFDA indicators would be in addition to, and not instead of, higher-level impact indicators identified by the project team.

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