The quality and depth of the data collected depends largely on the skills of the data collection team and the appropriateness of the data collection tool. For individual interviews and other informal methods, only one staff member is required to both facilitate and record the exercise. However, you will need...
M&E staff triangulates qualitative data to reduce bias
Triangulation is a key principle of qualitative data collection that involves collecting data from multiple sources, sometimes using multiple tools, to identify and reduce bias. If you do not triangulate qualitative data, you run the risk of biasing or distorting the data collected, resulting in incorrect or incomplete information. By...
M&E staff chooses appropriate qualitative method(s) to meet information needs
M&E staff chooses appropriate qualitative method(s) to meet information needs There are many common methods to generate qualitative data. These methods include focus groups discussions, semistructured interviews, key informant interviews, social mapping, seasonal calendars, Venn diagrams and several other rapid and participatory rural appraisal (RRA/PRA) tools. Selecting methods inappropriate for...