Result frameworks are a great way for organizations to measure their progress in achieving their objectives. They can help you track your own progress or measure success within other programs or organizations.The framework is usually divided into two parts: the inputs and the outputs. Inputs are the resources that are...
Sampling in Monitoring and Evaluation
What is sampling?When assessing need to carry out development monitoring and evaluation, one of the most important decisions is how to select the sample to be used. In the most simple terms, a sample is a sample of something. In the context of development monitoring, a sample is a selected...
What is Monitoring and Evaluation?
Monitoring and evaluation, or M&E, has become a popular concept in global development, yet many people don’t know what it actually is. This is understandable since M&E is a broad term that encompasses many different activities and disciplines. At its most basic, M&E is the process of collecting, analyzing, and using...