Examples of monitoring data questions:
What have been the problems, if any, with project implementation? What
havebeen the successes, if any, with project implementation? What are the
reasons for these problems and successes?
What has been the project‘s progress so far (considering multiple levels of
indicators in the ProFrame)? Has progress varied among different groups?
Consider different geographic areas, households of different socioeconomic
status, and male and female participants.
Are project activities reaching the target groups? Consider who is
participating in meetings, attending trainings and receiving inputs or goods.
Discuss the effectiveness of the targeting with nonparticipants as well to
receive an additional perspective.
What feedback have we received from community members? Has this varied
for different community groups, such as men and women or project
participants and non-participants? How can this feedback be addressed?
What has changed or is changing in the broader context for these
communities and households? Consider change in relation to the project‘s
critical assumptions. How should the project tailor its future activities or
interventions to account for these changes in context?
Have any unintended positive or negative changes occurred due to the
project? If so, why and who has experienced this change?