eCommerce Optimization

Helping customers easily locate your products or services.

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What is eCommerce optimization?

Improve your eCommerce website holistically to enable customers to convert more easily. Every detail of your site should be crafted to drive customers toward the goal of buying products or services: from navigation and design to product descriptions and content.

A thorough CRO audit is essential for determining what changes need to be made for conversion rate optimization. Our team has the knowledge and resources necessary to make the improvements that will enhance your visitor’s experience and help you reach new heights.

Over seven in ten shoppers believe they will get a better deal online versus in-store.

Online sales constitute a significant part of revenue, yet only 28% of US small businesses have taken advantage of it. Even fewer are optimizing their sites to appeal to their preferred target market. 

Are you looking for ways to maximize your profits through eCommerce optimization? Do you need an efficient way for customers to purchase products from your business? We can help!



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eCommerce Optimization Experts

We are here to help you upgrade your website into a valuable asset, increasing sales and capturing the attention of your desired customers. Our eCommerce marketing strategies are designed to deliver optimal results, featuring key strategies such as:

When you invest in eCommerce Website Optimization, you’ll be able to track the progress of your investment through our detailed monthly reports. These reports will provide clear insight into key metrics such as website traffic, search engine ranking, and conversions so you can measure the success of your campaigns. It will also highlight areas where improvements should be made to ensure maximum impact.

With our eCommerce Website Optimization services, you can stay up to date on your project’s progress with the following: 

  • Regular Google Analytics reports outlining your site’s activity. 
  • Regularly updated keyword rankings so you can track your success in searches. 
  • Detailed reports on the work we’re doing and how we’re spending our hours. 
  • A monthly video summary from your dedicated eCommerce optimization specialist reviewing the month’s activity and improvements. 
  • Email or phone access to your specialist if you have any questions or ideas you’d like to discuss.

With an estimated 1.9 billion global online shoppers set to make purchases this year, the eCommerce industry is thriving, and it pays to join in on the action. Our services are designed to help you capitalize on this opportunity and make the most of your investment in eCommerce website optimization, with detailed monthly reporting and targeted keyword campaigns tailored for your business.

Now more than ever, eCommerce selling is the most profitable and popular way to reach customers, regardless of whether you’re an individual entrepreneur or a massive business. Utilize custom eCommerce website design to bring your desired audience to your online store, enhancing your sales and conversions in the process.

eCommerce Statistics

With eCommerce sales projected to make up more than

13.7% of total global sales, it’s clear that eCommerce has become a major player in the online market. As 2021 rolls around, this figure is expected to rise to around 17%, rivaling traditional retail and making eCommerce an increasingly important part of commerce as a whole.

With no barriers to entry and unlimited growth potential, it’s no surprise that more and more businesses and entrepreneurs are embracing the power of eCommerce.

Benefits of a Custom eCommerce Website Design

With the surge in competition within the eCommerce space, having a one-of-a-kind web design is key to making your storefront stand out from the rest. When visitors come face to face with generic, uninspiring, or outdated eCommerce sites, their likelihood of converting into sales diminishes drastically. A custom website design will create a lasting positive first impression, conveying your brand’s message and boosting conversion rate and ROI. 

Customizing your site gives you more control over creating an online presence that aligns with your brand’s values. In addition, constructing a website layout from the ground up ensures you can implement all aspects of your brand’s aesthetic from start to finish.

Advantages of Hiring a Company That Specializes in Custom Web Design

When it comes to making your eCommerce store a success, partnering with a team of web design professionals can make all the difference. They are knowledgeable in platforms such as WordPress and WooCommerce (for self-hosted clients) and equipped with the necessary skills to create and optimize hosted solutions such as Shopify.

By collaborating with expert designers, you’ll be able to ensure that your site looks exactly how you envision and takes full advantage of the latest trends in website design. More importantly, you’ll have access to peace of mind knowing that:

  1. Your online storefront is tailored for conversions;
  2. You’re given more control over customizing the look and feel of your website;
  3. You’ve invested in a digital property that stands out from prospective competitors; and
  4. Your project is monitored and completed efficiently according to plan — all without compromising on quality or results.

It is crucial to consider an eCommerce platform to get the most out of your business. This will help you reach a wider audience, regardless of whether you’re entering an untouched market or a niche with intense competition. In addition, the ideal web design and setup for eCommerce can help you engage more customers eager to learn about what you have to offer and motivated to purchase your goods and services.


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