Result Framework – The Best Way to Begin is by Focusing on What Matters – Your Goals

Result frameworks are a great way for organizations to measure their progress in achieving their objectives. They can help you track your own progress or measure success within other programs or organizations.

The framework is usually divided into two parts: the inputs and the outputs. Inputs are the resources that are needed to get your project going, such as staff, money, and equipment.

Outputs are the accomplishments that are the results of your efforts. They are what you are trying to achieve, such as immunizing a child or building three classrooms.

Structure of a result framework

The structure of a result framework is a document that outlines the expected structure of a result framework, typically a result framework in monitoring and evaluation.

The structure of a result framework will vary depending on the type of information that needs to be captured. A result framework is an important tool in monitoring and evaluation, as it provides a framework on which data collected in the process can be organized.

The result framework is what an organization uses to determine what success means for the project. Every project has key activities, outputs, indicators, and outcomes. The result framework structure can be used as a guide for creating a result framework and can be applied to any type of project.

The structure consists of four components: The result framework should help the project achieve its goals. It describes how the project will be measured; what the indicators are; and what information the stakeholders will need to know to determine whether the project is a success.

Why create a result framework

When we create a framework or a plan to address a problem, we have a common understanding of what the problem is. We also have a common understanding of how we want to solve the problem, how we want the solution to look like, what will it take to get us to that solution and what will we do to monitor that we get the results we want.

In this exclusive guide, we'll explain why you should create a result framework and how you can do it. We'll also share how we developed our own framework for the monitoring and evaluation of projects in our organization. A result framework makes it easy to align the efforts of multiple stakeholders to achieve the desired results of your project.

What's more, it can be used to guide your project throughout its duration. Result frameworks are critical to ensure that your project is on track and has the best chance of achieving its desired outcomes. By using a result framework you ensure that your project is making progress, and you can easily identify areas in which you need to take action. Who should use result frameworks?

The importance of a result framework

A result framework is a set of definitions and relationships that ensure clarity about what is being measured and what the results mean, so that (resource) are being allocated effectively.

If you don’t have a result framework, you will lack the context for what you are measuring. This is important because if you are only measuring outputs, rather than outcomes, you are not capturing the results you need to achieve your goals.

Standards‌ ‌for‌ ‌developing‌ ‌a‌ ‌Results‌ ‌Framework

Detailed information & background material

  • Perspective Plan
  • Periodic Plan/Key Performance Measures
  • Strategies/ Policy Papers
  • Other relevant documents/information

 To have a‌ ‌clear‌ ‌understanding‌ ‌of‌ ‌“cause‌ ‌and‌ ‌effect”‌ ‌logic

  • Cause and effect “logic often is based on hypothesis, so it may not have evidence to support the relationship between the cause and effect
  • An informative discussion on “cause and effect” logic can be found at this link:

Steps in Developing a Results Framework

There is no set sequence for developing a Results Framework (RF) — the process depends on the program. However, there are many benefits of involving staff members in the development process. Whether it's using an iterative, functional analysis approach or simply talking about what works and doesn't work, the process should encourage staff to participate and even take ownership.

The results framework is even more representative and even more complete when all staff are engaged throughout the process. Finally, involvement among all team members promotes greater understanding of the program’s goals and objectives. It takes time to develop a results framework through positive interactions with staff and an open dialogue with employees.

Step 1: Set an Appropriate Objective

The strategic objective is one of the toughest and most critical tasks a team will face, and it should be one that every leader strives to conquer. The strategic objective forms the standard by which operational units are judged in terms of their performance. The strategic objective is an important part of any results framework, organizationally speaking.

The strategic objective is the unifying result your agency/program is trying to achieve as a whole. It is important for you to develop a well-structured program structure based on the results desired that will guide your efforts. By using the results framework starter worksheet, you can brainstorm about how to structure your program with the desired results in mind.

Step 2: Identify the intermediate results

After agreeing on a strategic objective for the organization, the team must determine what “lower level” intermediate results are necessary to achieve that goal. Clearly defined intermediate results are steps in the process necessary to achieve higher level objectives. For example, if a business wants all of its stores to look and feel like any one of their online stores, they need to choose two or three “intermediate results” that will help them achieve that objective.

Initially, the RF team may identify a large number of intermediate results that lead to the objective. As the RF team develops the SO, though, it will want to settle on a critical set of critical results necessary to achieve the objective. This number will vary with the scope and complexity of the SO.

Step 3: Clarify the causal linkages between results

Step 4: Identify critical assumptions

Step 5: Complete the results framework

Step 6: Next steps


A monitoring and evaluation framework can help with the planning of a project.  It will provide a clear, measurable indication of how well the project is progressing.  

When combined with regular performance reviews and other project evaluations, it can help managers and stakeholders make changes to the project as needed to achieve its goals.

In fact, a monitoring and evaluation framework can be tailored to whatever organizational goals a project is designed to address.

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